Monday, August 23, 2010

Entertaining/Pear Tree

Pear Tree

A tart, refreshing, nonalcoholic drink that's appealing to mojito fans.


1 cup ice
1/3 cup pear juice
2 tablespoons Lemon-Lime Juice (see "Bar Essentials," below)
2 tablespoons Simple Syrup (see "Bar Essentials," below)
4 fresh mint leaves, plus 1 mint sprig for garnish


Put all ingredients except mint sprig in a cocktail shaker and shake until well blended, about 10 seconds. Pour drink with ice into a tumbler or a snifter. Garnish with mint sprig.

Note: Nutritional analysis is per mocktail.

Bar Essentials: Have these on hand for mixing great mocktails.

Simple Syrup: Equal parts sugar and water, heated until the sugar dissolves. (Your yield will be the same as the amount of water you use.)
Lemon-Lime Juice: Equal parts freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice, for adding acidity in a flash.

Fresh Lemons, Limes, and Oranges: To make juice, wedges for squeezing or moistening the rim of a glass, or twists of zest for extra citrus aroma.

Superfine Sugar: Dissolves easily and makes a nice garnish on the rim of a glass.

Fresh Herbs: Basil, mint, and tarragon add complexity, texture, and visual appeal.

Purchased Ice: For a big party, it's hard to make enough ice at home. Besides cooling, ice helps blend flavors in the shaker.

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