Friday, June 3, 2011

Lake Sunapee Area Community Event - "We Build It Forward"

A powerful day of giving and serving Others

Bonin Architects is proud to be a Team Leader in our local 2011 We Build It Forward campaign.  Spearheaded by R.P. Johnson & Son, We Build it Forward is a way for everyone in the community to help out their neighbors in need.  

On Saturday, June 25, 2011, Bonin Architects will join hundreds of individuals who will take part in serving others.  

Have you been inspired by someone who made a difference in your life?  It could have been an act large or small where someone went out of their way to help you with a problem, situation, or was just there when you needed them.  Now is your opportunity to “pay it forward” and help someone else!  From painting or yard clean-up to fundraisers that help feed the hungry or build homes, you can be involved by signing up at the We Build It Forward website.  You can either join the Bonin Architects team or build a team with some of your friends and colleagues.  

We need your help!  This is what you can do:
First:  Ask yourself who you can help - write it down
Second:  Decide how you want to help! – write it down
Third:  Sign up online or call us and say YES! I know how I can help!

Need Some Ideas?
  • Plan a fundraiser dinner and sell tickets at the door
  • Choose a community member in need of a deck or home repair of some kind
  • Choose an area of town that needs a clean up
  • Find a youth or recreational organization that needs a new structure
  • Stage a bake sale, clothes drive, food drive
  • Fix a door
  • Replace an electrical box
  • Clean up a public place
  • Repair a fence
  • Paint a house
  • Repair a window
  • Donate bikes to needy kids
  • Bring meals to seniors who need a home cooked meal
  • Offer to play music and entertain all these wonderful, giving people
  • Make a donation of materials or dollars toward materials

The event will serve the R.P. Johnson & Son service area and will commence at the Rte. 11 Andover, NH location.

Say YES to join us!  Sign up at today!  You’ll be helping your neighbors and having a great time!
Bonin Architects & Associates, PLLC, 209 Main Street, New London, NH.  For more information call or email us!  603-526-6200,

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